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It is not a learning process. It is a power. If the powers of such supernatural activities are available to us from birth, the higher self will come and communicate with us. This higher self will communicate only with those who live in this society without considering selfishness, not thinking only about themselves, but only considering the welfare of others. Higher self is the Supreme. This superior means positive. There is no negative here. That powerful higher self is connected with our Esanamma. Because Our Divine Mother will continue to do this work till the time she lives on this earth. Healing and therapies are done by mother for the Humans Welfare.
Jesus Christ went to the mountain for 21 days. Then he laid his hand on the head of a dying lamb. Then, it came alive. Similarly, he lays his hand on the head of a sick man and he comes back to life and gets well. So this was possible only because Jesus had contact with the higher self. Everywhere Jesus proclaims that he is the messenger of God. He never said I am God. Similarly Our Divine Guru Mother Isanamma is a messenger of God. The job of the Messenger of God is to do the work of the higher self., social work. Using healing and therapy method Guru Mother corrects one’s mind with proper alignment. Mother is a messenger who guides humans , to understand and to see with their own eyes that the God is within ourselves and nowhere else. Mother is ready to help us in all forms as nature does . There is no other way to correct ourself except for man to correct himself. Gur has taken the pain of lifting us up. We are not human, we are a god and we do what you need to do, to become a god through quantum mysticism. For doing this action greater power beyond the human brains imagination is required to understand it., that is the power of Higher Self.
Nowadays Society is carried on the basis of religion. But our ancestors never followed religion they felt society only as a group. We use spiritual mysticism to make man know who he is, to realize the importance of humanity and God in the form of mercy, We are helping by inculcate our methods in it, to guide man, to remove his diseases, to heal himself and make himself helpful, and to never harm those who belong to us. This is our aim.
Siddhas are higher souls only by following the principles of Ashtanga Yoga properly. Even if you talk about wisdom for years or do Vasi Payirchi (Breathing Practice ) for years, we r going to die . We will not reach the top. Because we don’t understand the real meaning of wisdom . What does wisdom require? You must become good. What does it take to become a good person? You must be humanitarian. What should man do? First you must realize that you are human. What do you need to know to be human? It should be realized that God is within you. For all this you need to know eight steps like what to do.
The universe is waiting for you to do what you need. We are going to put a miracle lamp in everyone’s hand like a miracle lamp for Aladdin. With this you can buy whatever you want. We are doing this under the name of Quantum Mysticism. If we are able to surrender from our thoughts , all the problems of this material world will be automatically solved . We are ready to help you . Come and see the real magic in you . which you kept hidden for these many years .
We are not magicians. we are here to help with the guidance of higher self. We are here to help and guide only If u believe in yourself , if you need a change or ready to change and more importantly surrender from ur thoughts , ur guarantee is already there for you my dear soul. You will feel the difference only if you follow us . It’s an experience , come and feel it .